(function ($) { jQuery.fn.autocomplete = function(options){ var defaults = { url: "http://gd.geobytes.com/AutoCompleteCity", dataType: 'jsonp', minChars: 3, request: 'q', type: 'GET', delay: 500 } options = $.extend(defaults, options); var autocomplete = function() { const KEYS = { UP: 38, DOWN: 40, ENTER: 13, ESC: 27 } var state = { selectedIndex: 0, data: null, minChars: options.minChars < 3 ? 3 : options.minChars, ajaxSettings: $.extend({}, $.ajaxSettings, { url: options.url, type: options.type, dataType: options.dataType }) } var _this = $(this); var container = _this.after('
'); var suggestions = container.parent().find('.autocomplete-suggestions'); var cache = {}; var timer; _this.on('keydown', function(e) { if (!state.data) return; var length = state.data.length - 1; switch (e.keyCode) { case KEYS.UP: return pressUpKey(state, length); case KEYS.DOWN: return pressDownKey(state, length); } }); _this.on('keyup', function(e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case KEYS.UP: return false; case KEYS.DOWN: return false; case KEYS.ENTER: return pressEnterKey(e); case KEYS.ESC: return pressEscKey(e); } if (_this.val().length < state.minChars) { clearSuggestions(); return; } mainChain(); }); function mainChain() { clearInterval(timer); timer = setTimeout(function() { autocompleteGetCityList() .then(autocompleteParseData) .then(autocompleteAddCache) .then(autocompleteRender) .then(autocompleteAddEventListeners) .fail(autocompleteError); }, options.delay); } function autocompleteGetCityList() { state.selectedIndex = 0; if (cache[_this.val()]) { return $.Deferred().resolve(cache[_this.val()]) } else { state.ajaxSettings = $.extend(state.ajaxSettings, { data: {[options.request]: _this.val()} }); return $.ajax(state.ajaxSettings) } } function autocompleteParseData(data) { if (typeof options.autocompleteTransformData === 'function') { state.data = options.autocompleteTransformData(data); } else { var regexp = RegExp(/(\w*)\,\s*\w*\,\s*(\w*)/g); state.data = data.map(el => el ? el.replace(regexp, '$1, $2') : '').filter(el => el ? true: false); } return state; } function autocompleteAddCache(data) { cache[_this.val()] = data.data; return data; } function autocompleteRender(state, selected) { if (state && state.data) { var html = ''; $.each(state.data, function (i, value) { html += `
`; }); suggestions .css('display', html ? 'block' : 'none') .empty() .append(html) } else { suggestions .children().removeClass('autocomplete-selected').end() .find(`[data-index="${selected}"]`).addClass('autocomplete-selected'); } } function autocompleteAddEventListeners() { suggestions .on('mousemove', '.autocomplete-suggestion', function(e) { state.selectedIndex = $(e.target).data('index'); autocompleteRender(null, state.selectedIndex); }) .on('click', '.autocomplete-suggestion', function(e) { _this.val($(e.target).text()); if (typeof options.autocompleteOnSelect === 'function') options.autocompleteOnSelect($(e.target).text()); }); } function autocompleteError(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log('error', textStatus, errorThrown); } function clearSuggestions() { state.selectedIndex = 0; state.data = null; suggestions.css('display', 'none'); } function pressEnterKey() { var selectedText = _this.parent().find('.autocomplete-selected').text() || _this.val().trim() || ''; _this.val(selectedText); if (selectedText && typeof options.autocompleteOnSelect === 'function') options.autocompleteOnSelect(selectedText); return false; } function pressEscKey() { _this.val(''); clearSuggestions(); return false; } function pressUpKey(state, length) { state.selectedIndex > 0 ? state.selectedIndex-- : state.selectedIndex = length; autocompleteRender(null, state.selectedIndex); return false; } function pressDownKey(state, length) { state.selectedIndex < length ? state.selectedIndex++ : state.selectedIndex = 0; autocompleteRender(null, state.selectedIndex); return false; } } return this.each(autocomplete); }; })(jQuery);pragmatic play live casino options bonus buy games alien fruits gacor slots free spin bonuses cgebet casino login support slot halloween farm bonus buy games take the shot bonus buy games buffalo rampage hold hit slot thracian treasures top horse racing betting tips bonus buy games double digger bonus buy games wolf fang spring awakening bonus buy games forging wilds link slot terbaik di indonesia bonus buy games lord of the dunes slot sizzling eggs halloween edition calcio live sports app live casino gambling strategy bonus buy games moon spell slot wild ape fisher king live casino hotel experiences with real dealers slot valentine monchy live casino with highest rtp jewel rush betting on boxing OK sport