// jquery.jparallax.js
// 1.0
// Stephen Band
// Project and documentation site:
// webdev.stephband.info/jparallax/
// Repository:
// github.com/stephband/jparallax
// Dependencies:
// jquery.event.frame
// webdev.stephband.info/events/frame/
(function(jQuery, undefined) {
// Plugin name
var plugin = "parallax";
// VAR
var options = {
mouseport: 'body', // jQuery object or selector of DOM node to use as mouse detector
xparallax: true, // boolean | 0-1 | 'npx' | 'n%' - Sets axis of reaction and by how much they react
yparallax: true, //
xorigin: 0.5, // 0-1 - Sets default alignment. Only has effect when parallax values are something other than 1 (or true, or '100%')
yorigin: 0.5, //
decay: 0.66, // 0-1 (0 instant, 1 forever) - Sets rate of decay curve for catching up with target mouse position
frameDuration: 30, // Int (milliseconds)
freezeClass: 'freeze' // String - Class added to layer when frozen
value = {
left: 0,
top: 0,
middle: 0.5,
center: 0.5,
right: 1,
bottom: 1
regex = {
px: /^\d+\s?px$/,
percent: /^\d+\s?%$/
frameEvent = 'frame.'+plugin,
abs = Math.abs,
pointer = [0, 0];
function parseValue(value) { return this.lib[value]; }
parseValue.lib = value;
// Converts numbers or numbers in strings to boolean
function parseBool(x) {
return typeof x === "boolean" ? x : !!( parseFloat(x) ) ;
function parseCoord(x) {
return (regex.percent.exec(x)) ? parseFloat(x)/100 : x;
function Mouse(xparallax, yparallax, decay, pointer){
// Convert parallax options to boolean values
var parallax = [xparallax, yparallax];
this.ontarget = false;
this.decay = decay;
this.pointer = pointer || [0.5, 0.5];
this.update = function(pointer, threshold){
var lagPointer, x;
// Pointer is already on target
if (this.ontarget) {
this.pointer = pointer;
// Pointer has arrived within the target thresholds
else if ((!parallax[0] || abs(pointer[0] - this.pointer[0]) < threshold[0]) &&
(!parallax[1] || abs(pointer[1] - this.pointer[1]) < threshold[1])) {
this.ontarget = true;
this.pointer = pointer;
// Pointer is nowhere near the target
else {
lagPointer = [];
x = 2;
while (x--) {
if ( parallax[x] ) {
lagPointer[x] = pointer[x] + this.decay * (this.pointer[x] - pointer[x]);
this.pointer = lagPointer;
function Port(object, options){
var self = this,
elem = object instanceof jQuery ? object : jQuery(object) ,
// Convert parallax options to boolean values
parallax = [parseBool(options.xparallax), parseBool(options.yparallax)],
// State of mouse position (0 - outside, 1 - inside, 2 - just gone outside)
inside = 0,
// Stores mouse position on mouseleave event
this.pointer = [0, 0];
this.active = false;
this.activeOutside = (options && options.activeOutside) || false;
this.update = function(coords){
var pos = this.pos,
size = this.size,
pointer = [],
x = 2;
// Is mouse inside port?
// Yes.
if ( inside > 0 ) {
// But it just went outside, so make this the last move
// Use leaveCoords stored by mouseleave event
if ( inside === 2 ) {
inside = 0;
if (leaveCoords) {
coords = leaveCoords
while (x--) {
if ( parallax[x] ) {
pointer[x] = (coords[x] - pos[x]) / size[x] ;
pointer[x] = pointer[x] < 0 ? 0 : pointer[x] > 1 ? 1 : pointer[x] ;
this.active = true;
this.pointer = pointer;
// No.
else {
this.active = false;
this.updateSize = function(){
var width = elem.width(),
height = elem.height();
self.size = [width, height];
self.threshold = [ 1/width, 1/height ];
this.updatePos = function(){
var offset = elem.offset() || {left: 0, top: 0},
left = parseInt(elem.css('borderLeftWidth')) + parseInt(elem.css('paddingLeft')),
top = parseInt(elem.css('borderTopWidth')) + parseInt(elem.css('paddingTop'));
self.pos = [offset.left + left, offset.top + top];
// Update mouseport dimensions on window resize
.bind('resize.'+plugin, self.updateSize)
.bind('resize.'+plugin, self.updatePos);
// Detect entry and exit of mouse
.bind('mouseenter.'+plugin, function(e){
inside = 1;
.bind('mouseleave.'+plugin, function(e){
inside = 2;
leaveCoords = [e.pageX, e.pageY];
// Set up layer
function Layer(elem, options){
var px = [],
parallax = [],
offset = [],
position = [];
this.update = function(pointer){
var pos = [],
x = 2,
css = {};
while (x--) {
if ( parallax[x] ) {
pos[x] = parallax[x] * pointer[x] + offset[x];
// We're working in pixels
if ( px[x] ) {
cssPosition = position[x];
cssMargin = pos[x] * -1;
// We're working by ratio
else {
cssPosition = pos[x] * 100 + '%';
cssMargin = pos[x] * this.size[x] * -1;
// Fill in css object
if ( x === 0 ) {
css.left = cssPosition;
css.marginLeft = cssMargin;
else {
css.top = cssPosition;
css.marginTop = cssMargin;
// Set css
this.setParallax = function(xp, yp, xo, yo){
var p = [ xp || options.xparallax, yp || options.yparallax ],
origin = [ xo || options.xorigin, yo || options.yorigin ],
i = 2,
css = {};
while (i--) {
// Set px flag
px[i] = regex.px.test(p[i]);
// Convert origin to numbers
if (typeof origin[i] === 'string') {
origin[i] = origin[i] === undefined ? 1 :
value[ origin[i] ] || parseCoord(origin[i]) ;
// We're dealing with pixel dimensions
if ( px[i] ) {
// Set parallax
parallax[i] = parseInt(p[i]);
// Set offset
offset[i] = origin[i] * ( this.size[i] - parallax[i] );
// Set css position constant
position[i] = origin[i] * 100 + '%';
// We're dealing with ratios
else {
// Set parallax, converting to ratio where necessary
parallax[i] = p[i] === true ? 1 : parseCoord(p[i]);
// Set offset
offset[i] = parallax[i] ? origin[i] * ( 1 - parallax[i] ) : 0 ;
this.getPointer = function(){
var viewport = elem.offsetParent(),
pos = elem.position(),
position = [],
pointer = [],
i = 2;
// Reverse calculate ratio from layer's current position
while (i--) {
if ( px[i] ) {
// TODO: reverse calculation for pixel case
position[i] = 0;
else {
position[i] = pos[ i === 0 ? 'left' : 'top' ] / (viewport[ i === 0 ? 'outerWidth' : 'outerHeight' ]() - this.size[i]) ;
pointer[i] = (position[i] - offset[i]) / parallax[i] ;
return pointer;
this.setSize = function(x, y){
this.size = [ x || elem.outerWidth(), y || elem.outerHeight() ];
this.setSize(options.width, options.height);
this.setParallax(options.xparallax, options.yparallax, options.xorigin, options.yorigin);
function update(e){
var elem = jQuery(this),
global = e.data.global || e.data,
local = e.data.local || elem.data(plugin),
port = global.port,
mouse = global.mouse,
localmouse = local.mouse,
process = global.timeStamp !== e.timeStamp;
// Global objects have yet to be processed for this frame
if ( process ) {
// Set timeStamp to current time
global.timeStamp = e.timeStamp;
// Process mouseport
// Process mouse
if ( port.active || !mouse.ontarget ) {
mouse.update(port.pointer, port.threshold);
// Layer has it's own mouse
if ( localmouse ) {
// Process mouse
localmouse.update( local.freeze ? local.freeze.pointer : port.pointer, port.threshold );
// If it hits target
if ( localmouse.ontarget ) {
delete local.mouse;
// Stop animating frozen layers
if (local.freeze) {
// Use localmouse in place of mouse
mouse = localmouse;
// Layer is responding to global mouse
else {
// When no longer active, unbind
if ( mouse.ontarget && !port.active ) {
jQuery.fn[plugin] = function(o){
var global = jQuery.extend({}, jQuery.fn[plugin].options, o),
args = arguments,
layers = this,
optionsArray = [];
if (undefined === jQuery.event.special.frame) {
throw "jquery.parallax requires jquery.event.frame.";
// Turn mouseport into jQuery obj
if ( !(global.mouseport instanceof jQuery) ) {
global.mouseport = jQuery(global.mouseport);
global.port = new Port(global.mouseport, global);
global.mouse = new Mouse(parseBool(global.xparallax), parseBool(global.yparallax), global.decay);
.bind("mouseenter", function(e){
var i = layers.length,
global.mouse.ontarget = false;
// Animate unfrozen layers
while (i--) {
layer = layers[i];
if (!jQuery.data(layer, plugin).freeze) {
jQuery.event.add(this, frameEvent, update, {
global: global,
local: optionsArray[i]
return layers.each(function(i){
var elem = jQuery(this),
// Construct layer options from extra arguments
layerOptions = args[i+1] ? jQuery.extend({}, global, args[i+1]) : global ,
// Set up layer data. Give it a local mouse
// initialises it to start smoothly from current position
layer = new Layer(elem, layerOptions),
local = {
layer: layer,
mouse: new Mouse(parseBool(layerOptions.xparallax), parseBool(layerOptions.yparallax), layerOptions.decay, layer.getPointer())
elem.data(plugin, local);
// Bind freeze and unfreeze actions directly to layers using
// jQuery.event.add(node, type, fn, data)
jQuery.event.add(this, 'freeze', function(e){
var elem = jQuery(this),
global = e.data.global,
local = e.data.local,
mouse = local.mouse || local.freeze || global.mouse,
coords = coords = [
e.x === undefined ? mouse.pointer[0] : parseCoord(e.x),
e.y === undefined ? mouse.pointer[1] : parseCoord(e.y)
decay = e.decay;
// Store position
local.freeze = { pointer: coords };
// Create local mouse, passing in current pointer with options
local.mouse = new Mouse(parseBool(global.xparallax), parseBool(global.yparallax), global.decay, mouse.pointer);
if (decay !== undefined) { local.mouse.decay = decay; }
// Start animating
jQuery.event.add(this, frameEvent, update, global);
}, {
global: global,
local: local
jQuery.event.add( this, 'unfreeze', function(e){
var elem = jQuery(this),
global = e.data.global,
local = e.data.local,
decay = e.decay,
if (!local.freeze) { return; }
// Create local mouse, passing local freeze pointer with options
pointer = local.mouse ? local.mouse.pointer : local.freeze.pointer ;
local.mouse = new Mouse(parseBool(global.xparallax), parseBool(global.yparallax), global);
local.mouse.pointer = pointer;
// Override decay with decay passed as e.decay
if (decay !== undefined) local.mouse.decay = decay;
// Destroy local.freeze
delete local.freeze;
// Remove freeze class and start animating
// Start animating
jQuery.event.add(this, frameEvent, update, global);
}, {
global: global,
local: local
jQuery.fn[plugin].options = options;
// RUN
// Pick up and store mouse position on jQuery(document)
// IE does not register mousemove on jQuery(window)
pointer = [e.pageX, e.pageY];
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